Thursday, May 17, 2012

KFC - New Packaging to reduce waste

Check out KFC's initiative in new packaging!

Other ways KFC is working to help our environment

KFC restaurant initiatives

  • The interior lighting used in all company-owned U.S. KFC restaurants have been converted to more efficient models, which has resulted in a carbon reduction equivalent to taking 763 cars off the road for one year.
  • All company-owned U.S. KFC restaurants use Energy Star appliances where feasible, and currently use the highest energy efficient oven of any available on the market today.
  • For all new or for replacements in existing U.S. company-owned KFC restaurants, KFC uses high-efficiency air conditioners. In addition, programmable thermostats have been installed in all company-owned stores, delivering a carbon reduction equivalent to providing annual electricity to 532 homes.
  • KFC-Taco Bell opened its first "green" or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) restaurant in Northhampton, Massachusetts, achieving Gold certification – one of LEED's highest certifications. » Read more about the restaurant
  • Franchisees are exploring ways to be more energy efficient by switching to energy efficient lighting and using programmable thermostats.

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